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Showing posts from February, 2020

My takeaways and thoughts on "Unfuck Yourself: Get out of your head and into your life"

For 2020 I am going to try and actually read more. At minimum, I would like to finish at least one book a month. Doesn't matter if it's a novel, non-fiction, self-help, or self-development for my career. I bought this book, "Unfuck Yourself: Get out of your head and into your life"  sometime in 2019 if I remember correctly. Started reading it - but I really wasn't in the right mindset in 2019 to read some of the books I did read in the self-development or self-help realm or even try and start. First half of the year was rather stressful and I felt quite sarcastic and bitter about a lot of things going on. Starting in September of 2019 - I was getting back into a better place mentally. And in December it really set in. So I picked it up again and started re-reading. (First go-round I may have gotten to page 30 if that). I totally recommend this book. I purchased the companion to it as well. This is one of the first books I actively highlighted sections in it